Some charities we have donated to


Other Foundation Beneficiaries

  • Local hospitals and nursing homes
  • Emergency Service Providers
  • Local Health Related Children's Charities


Every dollar donated is guaranteed to help enrich the lives of many throughout our area. It’s our commitment to quality health care and quality of life for the people who make this region home.


2022 Board Members

  • David C. McClure - President
  • Richard McNulty - Vice President
  • Stephen McCoy - Secretary/Treasurer
  • Brian Scott, R.Ph.
  • Mark Brackett, R.Ph.
  • Warren Wolfson
  • David Schryver, PharmD
  • Mike Duteau, R.Ph
  • John Maraffa Jr., R.Ph


With special emphasis on our local communitie's health facilities and health based programs, the Kinney Drugs Foundation supports numerous programs and events within the communities we serve, all of which connect our customer/patient base served by KPH, Kinney Drugs, ProAct, HealthDirect and Noble Health fulfilling our mission to Help People Live Healthier Lives.